A downloadable game

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A printable party game about problems and solutions. Made for Global Game Jam 2020 by Ryan, Ian & Sean.

Inspired by games like Snake Oil and Cards Against Humanity, I Can Fix It! is a game about fixing everyday problems with novel solutions. Each round, one player is the "judge", who flips over a problem card. The other players pick a solution card from their hand and give it to the judge. The judge flips over the solution cards and the players defend their choice. Then the judge picks the winning solution.

Post-jam updates include minor fixes to the original deck, and an additional download for the Airport Expansion (AKA "problems conceived while sitting in an airport on the last day of the jam").


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Click download now to get access to the following files:

I Can Fix It! - Printable cards v1.2.pdf 1.4 MB
I Can Fix It! - Airport Expansion.pdf 192 kB
I Can Fix It! - Printable cards v1.0 (Jam Edition).pdf 138 MB

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