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Short and sweet and sad. My favorite characters were definitely the women who made sure everyone had water, the old one who believes it is a test, and the one in the poncho who always had enough sardines to share. The thick lines and the black and white colors are very soothing

The interactions, the sound effects and the theme of the game are good. But does this game have an end? I think, it will work for movies for having an unanswered endings, but not for games!! At the end there was a pretty heavy storm with no one on the boat. Is that the ending? Did I play it right? or Did I miss something?

(1 edit) (+1)

I had a lot of fun playing this game. It felt eerie, and I got to speculate about what was going on. I also love the style! Great work!


Brilliant little game. Throughly enjoy the development through the story and getting to know the characters on board the ship. Beautiful graphical style and sound effects and I like the fact that you’re left with some unanswered questions. brilliant work. 


Is the game supposed to end with a black screen or is it just me? Also, is there supposed to be more for me to do besides talking to people, checking the telescope, and going to sleep? The day also is stuck on Day 30 for a long time, I don't know if that was intentional or not. Either way, that was pretty fun to play. I enjoyed seeing the crew develop and hearing about whats been happening just through dialogue.


i hate the end



I really enjoyed this.  I love how the way the people changed as the days passed on, how they started to forget who they were and what they wanted anymore.  Really touching, it played like a movie.